Tunnel Vision!
Guidance for 13-17 December 2021.

The overriding message that seemed to come through this week is to stay in our lane, resist passing judgement on others and to stay grounded in the face of fear and confusion.
Monday’s reading gave us a nudge to look back to the new moon and remember all of the things we were setting in motion back then. It may seem like only yesterday that we set those new moon intentions, yet we are well on our way towards the Full Moon in Gemini that is occurring on Saturday the 18th. You may find yourself feeling indecisive about the choices you have recently made. This card is a reminder to look back, remember why you did what you did, why you have chosen what you have and to carry on chipping away. This is a card of working hard, meticulously honing our visions for our future and remaining on the path that is right for us. The image on the card looks like a tunnel – as I am typing this the words ‘tunnel vision’ came to me – so we are being guided to focus exclusively on what we have already set in motion. Don’t let these rising Gemini energies of fickleness and curiosity sway you. Instead tune into the airy intellectual side of Gemini coupled with the outgoing fiery energy of Sagittarius to bring a sense of fun and enjoyment to your work and to ensure your thoughts are focused on the very best outcome for you as you continue your hard work, knowing that someday you will reap the rewards of your persistence and commitment.
Reading for the energy of the Full Moon in Gemini. This reading looks at the energy within the collective over this weekend as we have a full moon in the Air sign of Gemini. There is so much masculine energy around it needs to be tempered and we do this by focusing in on our heart and embodying the energy of love – I keep saying this but it really is that simple! Turn your mind over to your heart – this is the title of a Bill Hicks song. I realised after finishing recording this video that this week on the 16th would have been Bill Hick’s 60th birthday so I was not surprised at all that his energy came through in this video! Happy Birthday Bill, I will be invoking your energy, remembering your message and laughing my arse off in your memory this week. If you don’t know who I am talking about Bill Hicks was a comedian in the 80s and 90s who tried to change the world, inject a dose of humour into difficult truths, spread the message that we are all one and wake people up – and succeeded with many people including myself. He is the influence that triggered my spiritual awakening – yep, not your typical comedian by anyone’s reckoning. Just look at the lyrics to this song – the line that seems weirdly apt today is ‘No more tragic lovers unable to meet’!
Climbed out of the ocean, learned to walk on ground
Now not one of us who cant take flight
Gonna live on the moon someday
Hope it’s not because we blew the earth away
Turn your mind over to your heart
Turn your mind over to your heart
Always known it
It’s just a matter of remembering
We’ve known it from the start
Now it’s just so simple
Turn your mind over to your heart
Turn your mind over to your heart
No more lonely people
No more dying in the streets
No more tragic lovers
Unable to meet
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can keep us apart
Bill Hicks – Turn Your Mind Over to Your Heart.
Tuesday’s card was the same card that came out for us last Friday. This is a message that needs to be shared as much as possible by as many people as possible – the message that we are all struggling right now. Though what we specifically are struggling with may be different aspects and stem from different outlooks and experiences, the bottom line is that no one is unaffected by what is occurring in the world. Division and blame is not the way to go right now, we need to try hard to suspend judgement even against those whose views and opinions are at the farthest end of the spectrum from our own. Grace, tolerance and unity are needed, now more than ever.
I had a break again on Wednesday and on Thursday we had the message to find the balance between knowing what you want and attempting to control outcomes. Trust the process and stay focused on the blessings you see manifesting right now in your life. Gratitude is the key to aligning yourself to the energy of abundance. Also today I give a shout out to Bill Hicks who would have been 60 today. He is the influence that triggered my spiritual awakening and was the most amazing person. My advice when the world seems too much, watch some Hicks, squidgy your third eye and remember its just a ride.
Friday’s reading brought a double message. There is an undercurrent of Illusion, fear and confusion in both the collective and in our personal energies at present. The 10 of trees is coming forward as an antidote to this. On a collective level bringing our focus to our friends and family is the grounding influence we need to get through these times and the 10 of trees/Pentacles is about the most grounding energy you can find. It brings the energy of stability and strong roots. Often this card indicates financial stability but here in this form in The Art of Love its representing an inner sense of stability. Ensure that you are empowered enough to keep grounded and that you are the master influence of your thoughts and feelings, doing this is the best antidote to all the intense fear mongering that surrounds us now. On a personal level this card brings the message to work on ancestral healing. Recognising the illusions that have been present within us in terms of false beliefs about ourselves and the sense of fear, trauma and confusion this may have created within us and finding the strength and confidence to now leave that in the past and work on forgiveness, sending love and healing down through our ancestral line. I will use this opportunity to recommend my Base Chakra Healing meditation which incorporates ancestral healing. This meditation can help us in this work in a gentle yet powerful way. You can find this meditation in the Guided Meditations section xxx