Complete Set of 7 Moon in Libra Chakra Healing Meditations.




This set includes the link to access all 7 Chakra Healing Guided Meditations.

  • Base Chakra Incorporating Ancestral Healing.
  • Sacral Chakra Incorporating Mother & Womb Wound Healing.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra Incorporating Father Wound Healing.
  • Heart Chakra Incorporating Inner Child Healing.
  • Throat Chakra Incorporating Authentic Self Healing.
  • Third Eye Chakra Incorporating Detachment Healing.
  • Crown Chakra Incorporating Higher Self Connection Healing.

    Upon Purchase you will be sent an email containing links to all 7 guided meditations. Please ensure that you provide an active email account if different to your Paypal account email.


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