Conscious Creation!
Guidance for week 29 Nov – 3 Dec.

This week had a mixed bag of messages coming through but the general message was to prepare for the New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius occurring on Saturday 4th Dec.
Monday’s reading took us back to the 4th Nov when this card also came out for us. This was the date of the new moon in Scorpio and we have another new moon coming up this weekend. This is a card of evaluation. New moons are a great time to plan and set intentions for the month ahead and this card is bringing us the advice to spend some time doing that this week as we move into December and the festive period. Its a message to ensure we approach this season in a balanced way and to not spread ourselves too thin or over spend too much. We need to approach this time of year in a flexible and adaptable way. Making sure we are not trying to spin too many plates at once. I’ve also had the message come through since recording this video that there may be a need for all of us to be adaptable as things in the wider collective and in society may become more rigid and constricting once more. Try not to allow these things to cause our branches to bow under the weight, but allow for some adjustments and continue on in the best way we can, remaining grounded and balanced throughout. The final message that came through with this card is that if you are struggling and need support in anyway, reach out. There may be support around you, people who will be more than happy to offer help, advice and assistance – but you need to be open to receiving and let them know you need help. The weather over the passed weekend was brutal. Storm Arwen created havoc and we have had snow across the UK. Winter has come early for us – roll on Spring! Again though there are many without power and the need to be adaptable is even more pressing for those experiencing these effects of the adverse weather. Again, the message is to reach out and ask for help if you need to.
Tuesday’s reading gave the simple and succinct advice to rest and recuperate.
On Wednesday the Queen of Angels brought us a reminder to work with the new moon and spend some time thinking about, and really visualising what we want to achieve over the next month. Positive energy and conscious creation is how we manifest our dreams so be sure to take the time to do this. Perhaps plan now for a new moon ritual and start gathering together the items you want to include in this, be sure you have the incense, candles – (and matches or lighter) and the space prepared so that it goes smoothly on the day. And be sure you know what you are manifesting into your life! Setting clear intentions requires honesty, clarity and planning!
Thursday’s reading brought the message to look for the bright side. stay focused in the light – the good things in life, the things that make you happy and lift your spirits. Following on from Wednesday’s reading which talked about planning ahead for the new moon eclipse and beginning to plan for what we will manifest this is an important message telling us to be sure we are doing this from a high vibrational emotional state of being – for whatever energies you are allowing yourself to be surrounded in right now is what you will be manifesting during the eclipse period this weekend. There were some chaotic energies around while I was making this video, distractions and disturbances. I stayed focused and got through it and that is important too, dont let anything sway you from what you want to create over this new moon eclipse. Clarity, focus and conviction are important. Enjoy life, seize the day, allow yourself to live with in the energy of love, forgiveness peace and happiness. Welcome vitality into your life and watch as it turns into the best version of your dreams that you could dare to imagine!! On this day I was also given a song – Let Your Love Flow by Bellamy Brothers.

On Thursday I also recorded a video focusing on the New Moon Eclipse energies:
In a nut shell this reading tells you DO NOT miss this opportunity to manifest – dream big!!!! Focus on being within the higher frequency emotions as much as possible – acceptance, forgiveness, love and peace – for what we create within us now is what we will reap in our outer world later! This eclipse is a powerful portal for manifesting what we desire – or a powerful portal for manifesting more of what we don’t want – you decide!
Friday’s message took some commitment from me to get through. I thought that I would have to skip a day for the first time since starting the 1 card readings – It turned out that I needed some time to allow for the message to formulate into something reasonably coherent. It also brings the messages for this week full circle back to Monday’s message to reach out for support if needed. The video for Friday is much longer than usual as I needed a bit more time to explain the process that led to the message that was coming through. I couldn’t record it in the morning as I usually do – I was struggling massively and ended up in tears! The message that came through with this is different to the usual 9 of cups energy – but this energy stands as the benchmark for what we want to manifest. Songs mentioned – INXS Disappear & KT Tunstall You Turned a Light On.
‘We are none of Us an Island’ 💞
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