Ground, Ground Some More.
Guidance for week 15 – 19 Nov 2021

Every week day I offer a 1 card reading for guidance using The Art of Love Tarot Deck by Denise Jarvie and Toni Carmine Solerno. I have been blown away by the guidance and more specifically by how similar all the other readings have been between myself and many other readers in particular Silver Birch Healing and Angelic Celestial Colours whose videos you can find at the end of this blog. Here is run down of all of this week’s readings and links to watch them. I hope this has helped you in some way.
Monday’s reading brought the message that something new is on the horizon. Many of us have experienced a period of rapid growth and expansion. This week we have a full moon eclipse in Taurus and it is the perfect time to heal and shift your relationship and perspective in regards to money. We live in an abundant universe and we each have the right to tap into and receive abundance. This week is the perfect time to be working on this. Wear green, use green crystals and programme them to attract an abundance of money. Be specific for abundance comes to us in many forms. Money is an energy just like any other.
Tuesday’s reading brought the message that now is the time to begin working on creative endeavours. There is a mass of creative energy bubbling in the collective right now with Mars conjunct Mercury and both the Sun and the Moon all in the picture also – just beware that with this all occurring in the sign of Scorpio there is potential for this energy to shift from creative into destructive. Grounding and channelling the fiery energy that is bubbling deep in our psyche into creative projects will help us to tap into these energies in a positive way. You have been warned!!
Wednesday’s reading acknowledged that there may be anxiety present in regards to the recent new beginnings and brings the message that you can overcome this by viewing these new things as an adventure. Stepping out of your comfort zone is challenging but important if you want to continue to experience growth. Be kind to yourself and lighten up your outlook. These things are sent to try you, challenge you and eventually transform you – not to break you.
Thursday’s reading brought the message to remember the importance of grounding. There has been so much fiery energy around this week we are in danger of burn out. Make the time to ground and spend some time in nature. Even if its only for 5 minutes, this activity can have huge affects on our overall energy so be sure to prioritise yourself and centre and BREATHE!
On Thursday the 18th I also gave a reading on the energies surrounding the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse that was imminent on the 19th November 2021. The overriding message was to be sure to spend sometime doing what ever you can to ground and centre your energies over this period as it is a massively fiery period with some very intense energies. These energies can be tapped into to assist us in creative endeavours and to motivate us to form and remain focused on our goals and ambitions, but they can also become overwhelming and destructive if allowed to gain too much momentum – time out to ground and rest is essential. It also brought the message that there will be a ‘Wake up Call’ moment that occurs. One that leads to a situation that simply cannot be ignored or denied anymore – change is needed. This may trigger a huge emotional reaction – again ground your energy, maintain spiritual protection (so important at the moment) and you will be alright. It may be a shock to the system, but it will lead to positive outcomes. Stay cool, calm, steadfast, stable and centred as much as you can. The changes will all work out for the best.
Friday’s reading brought through the message that we are currently on the cusp, within a liminal space on the threshold (you get the message) between one life and a new life that is to come. The message is to keep chipping away, taking baby steps and focusing on what you can do in the present to achieve your goals and work towards the new dreams and goals that have recently come up for us. I feel that this message is specifically about career – keep the vision in mind but the focus on what you need to do now. Your effort will be rewarded.
I think that was a pretty awesome week of guidance and a really positive end to the week. I will be back on Monday with more free 1 card readings. If you would like to book a Video reading with me please follow the link in the menu to take you through to the card reading section. I will very soon be putting up my prices so if you wish to take advantage of the 30 minute reading while it is still only £10 then now is the time to book! It will be increased to £20 in the new year!
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