
Moon in Libra Self Exploration Guided Meditation Course.

Artwork by Rebecca Green – Find Rebecca on Instagram

‘This course offers a grounded and practical view of some complex universal and spiritual concepts including among many others:
* Ascension.
* Enlightenment.
* Ego.
* Manifesting.
* Divine Archetypes.
* The Elements.
* The New Dawn.
These concepts are further explored through guided meditations, rituals and journal work with the purpose of developing a greater understanding of your Self and on what you wish to carry forward with you as you progress on your own Spiritual Path.
The course has been designed to work intensively over a 6 week period, however it is important to allow for extra time as many of the concepts may need time to be fully considered and processed, therefore the real length of this course could stretch over months or years. Each section of the course can be revisited as often as necessary.
The price of the course includes 6 Archangel Metatron Energy Healing sprays created by Amanda Ellis of Angelic Celestial Colours who has received and reviewed the course material and has approved her sprays to be incorporated into the course. I was delighted to also receive this testimonial from Amanda:

“Kerry’s course has come about because of her total passion and enthusiasm for working with spirit and Archangel Metatron to create something deeply healing and insightful. Her course offers something from her heart to assist you in these times we live in. I am honoured she has referenced my work and wish her and you all the best. May you enjoy the journey of learning and exploring that this course offers”.

– Amanda Ellis,  International Teacher and Energy Intuitive.

Preview video of the course contents.

For more information on how this course came about please visit the ‘About Me‘ section.

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