
Tree of Life.
Tree Of Life Dot Art Acrylic Paint on Flat 12″ x 12″ Canvas made to order in bespoke colour palate of your choice. Choose between Sunset or Sunbeam design.

Evolve is inspired by the world of Mushrooms and the significant part they play in the ecosystem of our forests and our planet. We have literally only scratched the surface of learning about how incredible the world of Fungai is. Without it we would not be here now that much is for sure!
Acrylic Pain on 12″ x 12″ Flat Canvas.

Brigid’s Cross
‘Brigid’s Cross’ is a painting created on Imbolc 2022. Imbolc is probably my favourite Sabbat. I love to see the snowdrops coming up at this time. The promise it brings that spring is just around the corner is such an uplifting energy that brings me such comfort during the freezing winter weather that we often get at this time of year in the UK.
Brigid’s Crosses are traditionally woven out of rushes and straw on the festival of Imbolc. Often mistaken to be a Christian symbol for St Brigid. However, Brigid and the tradition of making crosses in her honour is much older than Christianity. Brigid is an ancient pagan Goddess who was loved so much that when Christianity could not suppress her followers from adoring and worshipping her they absorbed her into Christian tradition and made her a Saint. Imbolc became St Brigid’s feast but this painting honours Brigid in her ancient form as an Irish Celtic Triple Goddess of the Tuatha De Danaan.
Ancestors of the Land

‘Ancestors of the Land’ was created during a period of study into ancestral healing. This piece and ‘The Knowing’ both emerged on the same day and both pieces contain the energy of ancestral healing. I found creating this work deeply grounding and comforting.
The finish to this original piece of artwork is matte, and it holds very soothing and calming energy. This is a great piece to have around while doing any kind of ancestral healing and would bring an earthy, calm energy to any room. Its a lovely eye catching piece and will also support you in base chakra healing work.
Rainbow Flower

‘Flower of Life’ is one of my favourite sacred geometry symbols. I find drawing the symbol and meditation upon it so soothing I lose myself completely in the expansive energy that is created when working with or contemplating this symbol. As a colour therapist I absolutely loved creating this piece, working with each colour in turn and creating the background dot by dot, colour by colour. I created this piece in 2 sittings as time just flew by. I was completely immersed in the flow of creating and I absolutely love the energy of this piece. Meditation on the Flower of Life can help relieve stress and bring a sense of calm and help you to connect to your higher self.
Full Feather

‘Full Feather’ is a piece that I created after being commissioned to paint a dot art Peacock. I adore Peacock energy and when I had finished the commissioned piece I was being drawn to continue working with the colours and in particular the green that makes up the background of this piece.
Peacock energy helps to connect us to the energy of splendour – owning your beauty, be that inner or outer, and not being afraid to recognise and accept yourself in all your full glory! Whoever said blue and green shouldn’t be seen clearly wasn’t connected to Splendorous Peacock energy!! The green colour helps to expand and heal your heart chakra while the blues aid you in living and expressing yourself authentically.

‘Yoni’ was created while connecting to the beautiful energies of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the Goddess Aphrodite. The inspiration for this painting came during a wonderful Lions Gate 2021 retreat at The Daisy Centre in Glastonbury where me and 9 other beautiful women completely immersed ourselves in the gorgeous Goddess energy of the Divine Feminine. This painting will look amazing on any bedroom wall and contemplation of this image will aid connection to and healing and balancing of Divine Feminine energy within males, females and gender fluid individuals alike. This is the energy of pure unconditional love that connects us all to the immensity and perfection that is at the core of pure creation.
Teal Swan Dot Art.